Google AdSense And Google AdWords (Google Ads) | Explained
google AdWords, Google AdWords meaning, Google AdSense meaning.
In this article we will be discussing about Google AdSense vs AdWords. We will explain what Google AdWords is, What Google AdSense is, and lastly the difference between Google AdSense and AdWords.
What is Google AdWords?
Google AdWords as it is formerly known as is what you know today as Google Ads. It is a platform developed by google where advertisers pay to display their advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content, and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to people using the Google search engine.
Google AdWords lets you advertise directly on Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). People type in a few words looking for something specific. The advertisers’ ads are placed at the top of the page as the featured results to click on first.
Google also display AdWords ads on websites within the Google Display Network or on websites that use AdSense.
One of the major characteristics of Google AdWords is PPC which is the abbreviation for Pay Per Click.
This means that as an Advertisers, you are only charged by google when your ads are clicked on.
Enough been said, let’s dive into how you can get Google AdWords in other words Google Ads running for your products and services.
How To Set up AdWords (Google Ads).
To set-up Google ads and start running advertisements for your products and services, All you need is a Google account.
After you get your Google account running, Click here to go to google ads setup page where you can customize your first google ad.
But before you rush in to setting up your first google ad. There are important questions and informations that you need to tackle.
- What’s your Goal: Do you want your customers to call your business, visit your store or visit your website.
- Where are your customers: You need to be sure where your target customers are.
- What are your Keywords: Now you need to know what you are advertising about and choose keywords that will best describes your products and services.
Now that you have there Three questions answered and ready to go, you can now head over to the link above and start advertising with Google AdWords or Google ads.
What is Google AdSense?
Google AdSense is also an ad network program run by Google but this time it is majorly for website publishers.
The Google AdSense program gives publishers the opportunity to place ads on their websites in exchange for commission. These publishers make up a portion of the Google Display Network that advertisers can leverage through Google Ads.
Google AdSense is perfect for website publishers who are already getting traffic and want to monetize it.
Publishers earn money through the Google AdSense network in two ways, CPM which is cost per mil is the amount payed to the publisher for a thousand views of a particular ad. The second way that publisher earns is CPC which is Cost per click is the amount payed to publisher for each click on ads.
Unlike advertisers, publishers do not have control over there figures for CPM and CPC rather they rely on what advertisers agree to pay.
However publishers can increase earnings by generating more traffic and getting more clicks and impressions as a result.
How To Setup Google AdSense.
If you are a publisher reading this article, there is no doubt that this question has been on your mind all along.
How can one setup Google Adsense on his or her website? To monetize your website through Google AdSense, you need a functional google account and a stable website. This is not an assurance that google will approve your website but it is what you need for starters. You can read up on Google policies for AdSense approval.
Now to start monetizing your website through Google adsense click here.
To minimize the chances of Google declining your website, you need to make sure your website is in good shape.
Your website should be at least 3 months old.
You should have at least 30 unique articles published that are valuable to readers.
Can One use Google AdSense and AdWords Together?
I know that a lot of people wants to monetize their website and at the same time is planning to run google AdWords for their products and services.
Well if you want to run ads for your products while have adsense running on your website, The answer is YES. You can run both google AdSense and AdWords Together but you have to be careful here.
If your intent is to advertise your site that has Google Adsense running with Google AdWords in a way that you will generate traffic and convert the traffic to clicks, I have a bad news for you. Google AdWords now has strict policies on what and how you can advertise with Google ads.
- AdWords is mainly for real products and services online and not for affiliate or MFA (Made For Adsense) type of websites.
- Adwords does not allow the landing page of websites to have adsense
Difference between Google AdWords and AdWords.
In as much it seems to be very clear that AdWords is for advertisers while AdSense is for publishers, The difference between Google adsense and AdWords can still be tricky sometimes.
Technically AdSense is for publishers yet Advertisers can use AdWords to create display network campaigns that run across the AdSense network.
That been said, I am going to break down the major differences between Google AdSense and AdWords below.
Google AdSense | Google AdWords | |
1 | It’s for publishers | It’s for Advertisers |
2 | It has fixed amount for CPC and CPM | The advertiser choose the amount for PPC |
3 | It is displayed on web pages | It is displayed on Google search engine result pages (SERP) and on web pages |
4 | It is an advertising sales channel | It is a media buying channel |
5 | Publishers only get certain share from clicks | Advertisers pay only when their ads are clicked |
6 | Adsense is responsive | Adwords Ads show on specific search results |
To get the best out of both Google AdSense and Google Adwords, you can start by recognizing the pros and cons of each because if you run the wrong kinds of ads on the wrong networks, you might end up in big trouble.
The good news is that both AdWords and the display network (via AdSense) are good options for advertisers.
As long as you choose the best program for your website and products, you can comence with your strategy and execution.